VacTrack and London Vaccination Clinic have partnered to provide London Vaccination Clinics with the VacTrack app.
The app provides personalised vaccine recommendations for travel, digital storage for vaccine certificates and verification of immunity status with its immunity visa. VacTrack also allows users to book in with London Vaccination Clinic and receive news regarding the availability of vaccines.

Katy Peters, CEO of London Vaccination Clinic, explained the importance of partnering with VacTrack for her customers; “So often our customers have no record of their past vaccination history, this costs them money and time, currently there is no sharing of such a history between organisations (NHS or private) meaning that retaining your vaccine history is a constant challenge in our busy lives, Vactrack keeps your record at the touch of a button when you need it most”.
Gabriella Hakim, CEO of VacTrack, shared that she was “delighted to be partnering with such an established and renowned clinic. London Vaccination Clinic shares our passion for enhancing digital adoption of records and increasing access and adherence to vaccinations. This is the start of a great relationship which I look forward to developing”.

One of the reasons for the partnership centres around the COVID-19 vaccines that will be shortly coming to market. London Vaccination Clinic is pitching to join the government in the rollout of the vaccination and wanted a direct communication path to users to let them know when this would be available. Not only does VacTrack enable better patient engagement for clinics, but it provides user verification of vaccine status which Katy Peters acknowledges will be important in the next normal following the pandemic.
VacTrack launched last week to users with its full product offering. Download now to store your vaccines and to ensure you and your kids are up to date, and ready for travel when the borders reopen.